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Please read carefully.

  • In order to join the AUTO TOP 100 list you have to display one of the AUTO TOP 100 logos on your front page. The logo must be presented in a place where most visitors would come across it and not tried to be hidden or camouflaged. So don't place it at the very bottum of the page or below a bunch of webrings etc.

  • The description of the site and the site itself has to be in the english language. A link to a translation site is not good enough.

  • You can add the logo to as many pages as you like. The pages just have to be under the same domain and be about the auto topic which is listed on the AUTO TOP 100 list.

  • You are only allowed one entry on the AUTO TOP 100 list pr domaine.

  • The statistics system is safeguarded against cheating & will only show the actual amount of visitors.

  • Your site will first come up on the list when you have added the code & recieved hits on your site.

  • The rating is based on the average amount of hits within the last 5 days. If a page does not recieve any hits within 5 days it is removed from the hitlist but will automaticallly reappear when getting hits again.

  • All cheating atempts are logged and will finally result in the exclusion of the site.

  • If your site is also running a Top Site Ranking similar to AUTO Top 100, we reserve the right to remove your site from the list.

  • You cannot place the logo on pages that recieve a high amount of hits by the same users (Forums etc.). Placing the logo in such a place will not increase your ranking since we are only counting unique users.

  • The entered email address will not be used for anything else than update info on the hitlist.

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